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From 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply. From that date, this privacy legislation will apply throughout the European Union. Among other things, GDPR describes the rights you have if your personal data is stored and processed by a company or organisation. 

These rights are briefly described below. If you want more information, you can find it on the website of the Personal Data Authority. This organisation monitors compliance with privacy legislation. 

Right to be informed

You have the right to know what information is stored about you, why (for what purpose) it is stored and what is done with the data. You can read how we handle your data in the user agreement and privacy statement.

User agreement
Privacy statement

Right to view personal information

You have the right to know what data we have stored and processed about you. You can make a request for this up to 4 times a year. 


Right of rectification

If you see that we have stored incorrect data about you, you can report it. In doing so, you must be able to prove what the correct data is. You can send in a request form asking us to change certain data.


Right to be forgotten

According to the law, you have the right to indicate that you want all data, which we have stored about you, to be deleted. However, when requesting deletion, we must comply with two other laws that require us to retain data.

The Housing Act states that we must keep our tenants' personal information and contract information for two years after the termination of the lease.

The Tax Act even indicates that we have to keep financial data for 7 years after the termination of the lease.

All data stored from you is automatically deleted from all our systems after the legal retention periods.

Right to restrict processing

This right means that personal data may not be changed (temporarily). You cannot request this because we are obliged by the Housing Act and the Tax Act to store and process certain data.

Right to transferability

You can ask us to pass on your details to another organisation or company. For example, if you are going to rent a new residence through another agency.

We assume that if you are going to rent a property from another agency, all your details will already be known to this agency.

Right to object

You can object to the processing of your data for specific reasons. However, there is little chance that we will actually stop processing your data, because it is not permitted for us not to process your data as long as you are a tenant with us. This is because we have to comply with the Housing Act and the Tax Act.

However, we would like to give you the opportunity to object to this.
